Chief Officer Henry Tingle Wilde of the Titanic

Henry Tingle Wilde was born in Liverpool on 21st September, 1872. He had begun his career at sea in his teens aboard traditional old-fashioned sailing vessels. But once Wilde had gained his all-important masters certificate, he had joined the White Star Line, and left the old square-rigged ships far behind. Henry Wilde rose steadily, as all good …

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Titanic Memorials: Wallace Hartley, Colne

Location: 67-75 Albert Rd, Colne, BB8 0BP, United Kingdom Almost two weeks after the Titanic disaster, Wallace Hartley’s body was recovered from the icy North Atlantic, still wearing his bandsman’s uniform, and with his music box and violin case reputedly strapped to his body. Wallace Hartley’s body arrived back in England at Liverpool on the 12th May, aboard the White Star liner Arabic. …

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